Eine Liste der Control Panel und Konfig Tools die für den Betrieb von Win 2008 Core verwendet werden können.
Here is an overview of | key commands and utilities you’ll use for managing server core installations while logged on locally |
Control desk.cpl | View or set display settings. |
Control intl.cpl | View or set regional and language options, including formats and the keyboard layout. |
Control sysdm.cpl | View or set system properties. |
Control timedate.cpl | View or set the date, time, and time zone. |
Cscript slmgr.vbs –ato | Activate the operating system. |
DiskRaid.exe | Configure software RAID. |
ipconfig /all | List information about the computer’s IP address configuration. |
NetDom RenameComputer | Set the server’s name and domain membership. |
OCList.exe | List roles, role services, and features. |
OCSetup.exe | Add or remove roles, role services, and features. |
PNPUtil.exe | Install or update hardware device drivers. |
Sc query type=driver | List installed device drivers. |
Scregedit.wsf | Configure the operating system. Use the /cli parameter to list available configuration areas. |
ServerWerOptin.exe | Configure Windows Error Reporting. |
SystemInfo | List the system configuration details. |
WEVUtil.exe | View and search event logs. |
Wmic datafile where name=“FullFilePath” get version | List a file’s version. |
Wmic nicconfig index=9 call enabledhcp | Set the computer to use dynamic IP addressing rather than static IP addressing. |
Wmic nicconfig index=9 call enablestatic(“IPAddress”), (“SubnetMask”) | Set a computer’s static IP address and network mask. |
Wmic nicconfig index=9 call setgateways(“GatewayIPAddress”) | Set or change the default gateway. |
Wmic product get name /value “ | List installed MSI applications by name. |
Wmic product where name=“Name” call uninstall | Uninstall an MSI application. |
Wmic qfe list | List installed updates and hotfixes. |
Wusa.exe PatchName.msu /quiet | Apply an update or hotfix to the operating system. |